Event Marketing for The New York Times

Our goal as a team, was to create a digitally interactive environment to drive sales to both the traditional printed metric of the "paper" and to further promote the rapid growth and expansion of the digital arm of the newspaper. Our unique perspective allowed traditional assets of the brand to be distributed under a paid subscription model, bucking the trend at the time and setting the standard for today. Over the course of two years, our team travelled to most major cities across the country to promote The New York Times brand at a variety of high end events including South By SouthWest, The Consumer Electronics Show, The Architectural Digest Home Show and Mac World among many others.

One of the specialty, pop up applications that I had the opportunity to lead was The New York Times Digital Sales application in Santa Monica, California during the Christmas Season. Our goal was to bring the romance and sparkle of central park in the city to the west coast, while promoting this major brand.

Each aspect of the application, down to the custom ornaments which adorned our many trees, was custom designed for this one week event.