New York Times Pop Up Boutique
The process of moving our New York Times marketing enviorment from city to city involved a ton of logisitcs, which I was happy to have agency support of. Once our crates were received in a city the set would begin again.
Here you see a classic pop up boutique presented at The Architectural Digest Home show in New York City.
New York Times Branded Merchandise
Through creative direction, I was able to layer The New York Times experience to the smallest of details in a marketing activation.
New York Times National Creative Director
Over the past year, I have had the pleasure of working as the national creative director for The New York Times. It has been a pleasure to not only develop the brand in a creative way, but to also see the huge transition from traditional printed media into digital and technology based applications.
All of the graphic, design and creative work you see presented was done by Chad Michael Peters through an agency relationship with The New York Times.
New York Times Floral T
This image was created by CMP for The New York Times and was used in creative development of branded merchandise. The image started with a hand drawn floral image which was then manipulated through the adobe creative suite, it appears here in three different color ways.
Print and Digital Marketing
Part of the creative process of marketing The New York Times takes into consideration of the printed roots of the Newspaper. However The New York Times today is poised to be a tech and information powerhouse with their current digital strategy.
New York Times Floral T
This image was created by CMP for The New York Times and was used in creative development of branded merchandise. The image started with a hand drawn floral image which was then manipulated through the adobe creative suite, it appears here in three different color ways.
New York Times Marketing Space
This conceptual and creative design was the begining of the design, planning and production of the custom space. This hand drawn concept board served as a basis for the look, "Hamptons Front Porch".
New York Times Floral T
This image was created by CMP for The New York Times and was used in creative development of branded merchandise. The image started with a hand drawn floral image which was then manipulated through the adobe creative suite, it appears here in three different color ways.
Hamptons Summer NYT Marketing Space
The finished space presented indoors at both the Rhode Island and The Boston Flower shows. In addition, this creative marketing space was shown at many outdoor art based NYT sponsored events across the country over the course of 2013.
Creative Marketing on the go
Through creative and sales direction, I was able to tour the country and to present The New York Times brand in over thirty cities at major conferences like South By Southwest, Consumer Electronics Show and Mac World in San Francisco. (This is a view from my hotel room, awesome huh?)
New York Times Branded Merchandise
Through creative direction, I was able to layer the smallest of brand details into the marketing activation.
Event Marketing for The New York Times
Our goal as a team, was to create a digitally interactive environment to drive sales to both the traditional printed metric of the "paper" and to further promote the rapid growth and expansion of the digital arm of the newspaper. Our unique perspective allowed traditional assets of the brand to be distributed under a paid subscription model, bucking the trend at the time and setting the standard for today. Over the course of two years, our team travelled to most major cities across the country to promote The New York Times brand at a variety of high end events including South By SouthWest, The Consumer Electronics Show, The Architectural Digest Home Show and Mac World among many others.
One of the specialty, pop up applications that I had the opportunity to lead was The New York Times Digital Sales application in Santa Monica, California during the Christmas Season. Our goal was to bring the romance and sparkle of central park in the city to the west coast, while promoting this major brand.
Each aspect of the application, down to the custom ornaments which adorned our many trees, was custom designed for this one week event.